Love And Laughs At The Wexford

The Dating Game - Fun Activities at Bria

In the 1960s The Dating Game, a popular TV show, introduced the world to Tom Selleck, Arnold Swartzenegger and Farrah Fawcett. The Wexford brought the Dating Game back for Valentines day, and while Wexford contestants probably won’t become international super stars, the entertainment value was just a big.

Bachelorettes and Bachelors provided lots of laughs for the audience. Sitting behind a screen so they couldn’t be seen by each other, they took turns asking an answering titillating questions like, “if you were an ice cream flavour, what flavour would you be?”

Bartender, John Meier warmed up the crowd by serving the night’s signature drink, ‘Cupid’s Arrow,’ but also got involved as a Bachelor. In the end he won the heart of resident Bachelorette Ollie, by offering a foot massage, which he promptly delivered upon winning, much to the crowd’s pleasure. 

“It was so fun,” reported Diane James, Rec Coordinator for the Wexford. “I said to them at the beginning, “We’re all adults here, and it’s Valentines Day, let’s have some fun!” Diane rates the night as a roaring success, “There was lots of laugher it was a fantastic night.”
