Seniors Can Move: How Gymnastics Helps Older Adults Regain Strength and Independence

Senior women in a gymnastics gym.
Seniors at a gymnastics gym

What happens when you invite seniors to participate in a gymnastics program? Everything! The Seniors Can Move program empowers seniors to improve agility, balance, coordination and strength through fun and gentle exercises in a gym designed especially for gymnasts.

The program was developed locally by Delta Gymnastics Society and has spread to additional communities, including Langley. This past year, residents from Magnolia Gardens made weekly visits to the Langley Gymnastics Society location at the Langley Events Centre to participate in Seniors Can Move.

With the help of a trained group of staff, the bouncy springboard floor of the gymnasium, and their willingness to try something new, Magnolia Gardens residents regained strength, mobility and independence.

Josephine and Kathreen both experienced improvements that impacted their daily life. Hear from them in this video…
