The Real Superheroes of The Waterford

Halloween at The Waterford

It seems kids aren’t the only ones who love Superheroes… staff at The Waterford in Tsawwassen are equally as enamoured. So this past Halloween, that very theme was agreed upon: Superheroes for the day.

A superhero is many things: someone you admire greatly. Someone who is capable beyond your expectations. It’s someone who swoops in and takes care of things before you even have the chance to ask for help. And they do it all with such heart and generosity. Such valour and reliability.

And so, it seemed rather appropriate for the staff at The Waterford to dress as Superheroes, when they already strive to go above and beyond every day. Plus, the idea was contagious. About 20 of the residents got onboard too, donning Superhero costumes and loving every minute of it! There were capes and masks, makeup and nylon. Superman was present, as was Spiderman, Thor and Wonder Women. The only differences? There was no evil lurking and no battles to fight.

As for the smiles it brought and the camaraderie enjoyed, the dressing up speaks volumes about how the idea of super human powers and a fun-loving attitude never gets old. At The Waterford, staff pride themselves on the level of service they are able to provide daily. But it comes naturally. Being able to anticipate needs, take care of concerns immediately and help life flow easily is why they’re there.

Are these staff real life Superheroes? Some may say so. But to them, it’s all just in a day’s work.

To tour The Waterford and meet some of the Superheroes there, or to learn more about Bria’s newest independent living residence, The Wexford, visit our Presentation Centre (and Rental Office) inside The Waterford.
