Magnolia Gardens and Sunridge Gardens are honoured to be two of the three best-rated retirement communities in Langley in 2020, as evaluated by ThreeBestRated.
Three Best Rated
ThreeBestRated helps three million customers a month find the top 3 local businesses, professionals, restaurants, health care providers, etc., in any city. They handpick the top 3 local businesses by check business’s reviews, history, complaints, ratings, nearness, satisfaction, trust, cost, general excellence, reputation, and more using a 50-point inspection process. We display only businesses that are verified by our ThreeBestRated employees.
A Commitment to Excellent in Senior Living
For 18 years, Bria Communities has been serving Langley seniors and their loved ones by creating safe and vibrant communities where seniors can flourish and lead active and purposeful lives. Magnolia Gardens offer two options in excellent supportive living— all-inclusive independent suites and 24-hour licensed Care Centre. Sunridge Gardens offers 145 suites of all-inclusive senior living with easy access to local amenities.