What Residents Say: Douglas’ Story

Photo of Dr Black

My name is Douglas I’m a retired physician. I was living in eastern Ontario, but I lost my wife four years ago, and I was living in a rural on a rural property. It was lonely after I lost Dorothy.

It got to the point that looking after the house and property was kind of more than I could handle, so I decided to come to Tsawwassen. I have a daughter who’s been living here for quite some time, so that’s part of the reason that I came.

The other reason was the climate. I I like to do a lot of walking, and it’s nice out here that I can walk all winter without worrying about the ice and snow.

Certainly, the food is far better now than it was when I was cooking for myself and then, of course, I have my own room to retire to and read and watch the TV, and so on I don’t have to be around people all the time.

When I moved in, I found out that Jane, our General Manager, was from Newfoundland, and I spent 15 years there. I was the senior doctor in a little hospital on the Northeast Coast of Newfoundland, and it turns out that Jane was born there. Apparently, I assisted with a delivery! It is just such a coincidence that I should meet somebody I helped deliver these years later on the extreme opposite end of the country.

Yes this is certainly a good place I’m happy that I made this choice.
