1300 Days of Working Safe At Sunridge Gardens

Sunridge Gardens staff

1300 days without an injury in the kitchen, an accident in the laundry, or a mishap on the property! It’s a big deal for the Sunridge Gardens staff team—a team of 40 staff working for 3.6 years without any Workers Compensation Board (WCB) claims. According to Shannon Saunders, Manager at Sunridge, this is definitely a team effort.

“We watch out for each other and making sure we’re all working safely— it’s a collaborative effort, and it really shows the level of ownership our team has, ” says Shannon proudly. “This is a huge accomplishment, but I think lots of our staff take it for granted because it’s just part of the staff culture.”

In a business that’s open 24-7 with the needs of 160 residents at play all the time, working safely is a benchmark of excellence. “One of our values is being resident focussed,” reflects Shannon, “and when our staff work safe, they ensure safety for residents.”

Sous chef, Tracy McDougall notes the uniqueness of the situation. “I have worked in senior care for more than 18 years, and I’ve never worked anywhere that has gone for this long of a stretch without a WCB claim! You just never come across this kind of situation.”

“This is extremely rare in any business,” admits Miro Armeen, HR Director Sunridge Gardens’ parent company, Century Group. “It speaks to the culture—each person is doing their job excellently and in a safe manner, and caring as much about the safety of their co-workers as themselves.”

“It all comes back to having a great team,” Shannon comments. “Our business is caring for people, and our team takes that beyond caring for just resident, to caring for each other. The result is a positive, healthy environment for everyone.”


*Featured in the photo right to left: Tracy McDougall (Sous Chef), David Collins, (Chef), Shannon Saunders (Manager), Sean Hodgins (President of Century Group)
